Real Estate

Gain control of your listings.
Without relying on Zillow.

You’re relying on online marketplaces to show new listings to your client. Picture this. Your own website. With your own listings. With personalized recommendations based on preferences. Dijy can help you create new listings in a few clicks, update statuses, and tie it to your marketing. It’s like having a personal assistant (who never complains)!

Help Me Close More Homes!

Location, location, location.
Focus on your listing properties, while we focus on the HubSpot ones.

Real Estate Email. Marketing


Say goodbye to manual grunt work and hello to turbocharged marketing automation. Help your real estate team conquer the market, one automated campaign at a time – leaving you with more time for those coveted 'Sold!' celebrations.

Email Automation Data Analytics Behavioral Targeting WhatsApp SMS Direct Mail


Rev up your real estate sales team with HubSpot, the ultimate key to turbocharged home sales! By ramping up efficiency, boosting client engagement, and automating the sales process, HubSpot unleashes agents to shine at what they do best: selling properties. This powerful combo of streamlined operations and top-notch marketing fuels more sales, sky-high client satisfaction, and a triumphant journey in the real estate arena.

Payment Processing Automated Follow Ups Personalized Direct Mail

Customer Success

With HubSpot as your trusty sidekick, securing repeat home buyers is a breeze! Stay top-of-mind by sending them personalized follow-ups and exclusive offers that they can't resist. HubSpot's savvy automation ensures they keep coming back for more, making you the go-to real estate hero!

Web Forms Drag & Drop Landing Pages Chatbots


To make real estate automations thrive, it's vital to have your entire team aligned. At Dijy, we provide tailored training sessions to ensure that every member of your real estate team comprehends the tech stack and how to wield it effectively, enabling you to optimize the value of every investment for your properties.

One-on-One and Group Training Sessions


We’ll help you plug into your favorite tools, from EventBrite to Stripe — and meet a few new ones! Need something special? The Dijy team will craft a custom integration and connect it to your existing HubSpot build.

1000s of Integrations Custom Integrations
We’ve worked with many companies for various projects for web design and development, and no one has better follow-through than Dijy.
logo-1Lauren Whitledge
Read more testimonials

What is it about Dijy?


We make it make sense.

Dijy’s consultants will craft a build that’s perfect for your needs. And it doesn’t have to be complicated.


We customize your build.

Centralized solutions are customized for your needs and business model (without the custom price tag).


We train and tweak.

Even after your build is ready to use, we stick around, enhancing it while you use it. So you’ll know it really works for you.

Get Started

You’re mission-driven.
Don’t let bad tools stop you.

You try to come to work each day feeling passionate and hopeful. But your tech problems are getting in the way of those good vibes. Grump not: we’ll find the perfect solution to your situation – so you can help more people than ever before.

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Call us: 201-515-2333

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Right here, right now.